Friends of ours live on Chester near Louisa. We rode by today b/c we heard a tree actually fell on a house over there. Wouldn't you know it, it is was pretty much on thier house. The neighbors seemed to have gotten the brunt of it but we're glad it seemed only the fence and some iron work was destroyed. There are many many blocks in these parts that look this way E8th St, Ocean Parkway, Albemarle off Coney Island. The area has really been devasted but luckily noone was hurt and most of the damage to property appears to minimial. The trees however are gone and that is devasting.
But moving forward! This post is about how neighbors have joined together to clean thier streets and well, become a bit more neighborly. The picture of the kids above was taken on a break! Here's the note we got...
Here is a sweet picture of the neighborhood kids taking a break after a long day of cleaning up. We met many more of our neighbors today and all had a "We're in this together.." moment. It was actually a great day b/c everyone helped each other out. (The first picture is of the house and the down tree. Second, the kids on thier break!)