The folks (folk?) at 66 Square Feet, a Brooklyn blog about "gardening in tight spaces", took a trip out to Kensington the other day, a neighborhood they had previously never heard of (shocking, I know.)
66SF snapped a few shots of the local flora and had a lot of nice things to say about what she saw during her excursion.
On the cement sidewalks of Kensington were old Ukrainian ladies in sandals and knee high natural stockings, ladies in saris, in burkas, men in kurtas; yarmulkes, kufis, Hasidic hats.We're glad you made it out! If you ever get tired of the rent in Cobble Hill, We'll find at least 66 more square feet for you here.
I liked it.
Even before I saw the people, I knew from my recent BBG judging experience that the mosaicly bright gardens in front of the houses signified an "ethnic" population. The adjective amuses me. Am I ethnic? And why is an Indian family ethnic? Anyway, folks were growing things. Food. (read more)